BAC Training Tip - Diastasis Recti Self-Test

Diastasis Recti

Two out of three women experience a separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, the long muscle located in the middle of the abdomen, during their pregnancy. This separation is called diastasis recti. The combination of abdominal weakness, hormonal changes, weight gain, and abdominal wall stretch exerted by your growing baby, can cause muscle separation along the centerline of the abdomen."*

All pregnant women and new mothers should check to see if they have diastasis recti. If you find you do have diastasis recti – DO NOT PERFORM SITUPS. Please begin performing the Transverse Abdominis Raise. (See BAC Training Tips for instruction)

Target Area: Rectus abdominis muscle, the long muscle located in the middle of the abdomen.

Benefits of This Self Test: To determine if you have a vertical separation of the rectus abdominis muscle. Once diastasis recti has been corrected, you will improve your posture, decrease your disposition to low-back pain, and enhance your aptitude to perform more difficult exercises correctly.

Avoid: Any strenuous activity or exercise until the diastasis recti is corrected to only two fingers width.

Self Test A

Instruction: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place four fingers of left hand above belly button, and right hand below, see photograph A. Raise your head and shoulders off floor. Is there a vertical separation of the rectus abdominis muscle, causing a gap of the muscles, and/or a bulge to appear? If so, where does the separation occur–above or below the belly button or in a combination of these locations? Now place four fingers, pointing toward feet, in the area of separation.

Self Test B

Raise your head and shoulders off floor, reaching left hand out toward feet, see photograph B. How many fingers can you place in the gap, one – two – three – four? Placing one to two fingers in the gap is normal. If you can place more than two fingers in the gap, you have diastasis recti.

*The Diastasis Recti Self-Test and abdominal exercise progressions to correct it are found in Bounce Back Into Shape After Baby.

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